Friday, August 12, 2011

Taylor County Boy Completes Historical Markers Project

The State Journal: Taylor County Boy Completes Historical Markers Project
GRAFTON -- Eleven-year-old Nathaniel Flohr's love of history lead him on a journey to locate dozens of historical markers and places in Taylor County last year.

"I did a community service project for the Daughter's of the American Revolution last year. I took photographs of all of the historical markers in Taylor County and put them on Grafton website for everybody to see," he said.

With some help from his mother, Jane, the pair researched all of the historical places in the area.

Many of the historical sites no longer have an official sign marking the area, making it easy for people to pass by them and not give a second glance.

Jane said, "There were not very many historical markers so he took it upon himself to take pictures of other historical landmarks and there are more of those then anyone realizes. They are just little ones here and there."

Signs like the Valley Falls sign cost thousands of dollars to replace.

Nathaniel ended up taking more than 60 photographs of historical places in Taylor County.

He submitted his project to the Daughters of the American Revolution Junior American Citizens contest.

"I won first place in the chapter, and then I won first place in the Eastern Regional, and then I won first place in the National," he said.

Nathaniel said it took him about a month to research and take pictures of signs like at the Federal Dam, and the 'Welcome to Grafton' stone sign on Route 50.

He hopes his project will educate its viewers.

"It would be nice if they could learn a little more about our county. Some people don't know about the cemeteries and the markers in Taylor County, he said.

Jane said she couldn't be happier for her son's accomplishment.

"I'm awfully proud, awfully proud. He did a great job," she said.

Flohr's project is currently featured on the city of Grafton's website.

Click on the link below to see it.