Friday, August 12, 2011

Children of the American Revolution looks for Sebastian members

TCPalm (FLorida): Children of the American Revolution looks for Sebastian members
Are your related to an American patriot?

Do your family tree branches extend all the way back to the American revolution?

If there's a colonial link to your family, Sebastian resident Holly Hamilton wants to know about it.

Hamilton is president of the Treasure Coast Society of the Children of the American Revolution or CAR, and the organization is looking for new members.

"We're basically a leadership group," said Hamilton. "We have something for everyone, but we're especially active with kids in the early teens through high school."

The goal of the Children of the American Revolution is to help kids develop their knowledge of American history, and to encourage children to perform acts of community service to spread the message of patriotism that our forefathers sought to protect.

The group is an offshoot of the Daughters of the American Revolution, and was founded in 1895 by Harriett Lothrop of Concord, Mass.

CAR is the nation's oldest, largest, patriotic youth organization, and offers membership to anyone under 21 who is lineally descended from someone who provided military service, civil service or gave material aid or support to the cause of independence.

"We welcome anybody," said Hamilton.

"And if they need help with their genealogy to find out if they're related to someone from the American Revolution, we'll be glad to help them."

Part of the CAR program is commitment to community service. The local chapter schedules service projects such as a recent beach clean-up to encourage members to give back to their community.

"We want to plant a seed about patriotism in our kids," said Hamilton. "By educating our youth about the importance of helping others, they'll be more inclined to set a good example for others."