Thursday, December 27, 2012

Conference approves memorial for African American Revolutionary War heroes

From  Conference approves memorial for African American Revolutionary War heroes

Blacks who fought in the Revolutionary War may eventually get their own memorial in Washington, DC. A congressional conference committee on Tuesday, December 18 agreed to a National Defense Authorization Act for FY 13 that includes a provision allowing a Memorial to Slaves and Free Black Persons Who Served in the American Revolution.
The memorial could go on unspecified federal land in the District of Columbia.
The National Mall Liberty Fund DC would get the authorization to build the monument but it would have to use non-federal funds.
According to the legislation, the monument would “honor the more than 5,000 courageous slaves and free black persons who served as soldiers and sailors or provided civilian assistance during the American Revolution.”
The provision is included in the national security bill, which you can read here:
Congress must approve the bill and President Barack Obama must sign it before it takes effect.
For details, see the stories linked to below.