Thursday, June 28, 2012

Residents asked to fly state flag for Carolina Day

From Aiken Standard:  Residents asked to fly state flag for Carolina Day

Thursday is Carolina Day, and residents are asked to fly the state flag to show their pride in South Carolina's role in the American Revolution.

City of Aiken Mayor Fred Cavanaugh proclaimed Thursday as Carolina Day in Aiken at the request of the Henry Laurens Chapter of the S.C. Sons of the American Revolution. John B. Heaton, president of the Henry Laurens Chapter in Aiken said that in remembrance of the defeat of the British Invasion of South Carolina on that June 28, 1776, residents should display the state flag.

Chapters of the S.C. Sons of the American Revolution are trying to spread the celebration across the entire state, Heaton said.

On that day in 1776, Col. William Moultrie led around 400 South Carolina patriots in a nine-hour fight at a fort on Sullivan's Island against the British Navy trying to enter the Charleston Harbor and capture the city. The sand and Palmetto logs protected the fort as the South Carolina troops destroyed one of the British ships and damaged several more.

This defeat was the first significant victory in the American Revolution.

Several of the American Revolution's key heros derived from Sullivan's Island, including Moultrie, Francis Marion, Thomas Sumter and William Jasper.

So, to show pride in another important chapter in South Carolina's vast history, the Sons hope to see a lot more navy blue, palmetto trees and crescent moons.

"We're just trying to spread it around the state so we can be proud of S.C.'s part in the American Revolution," Heaton said.

For more information on the S.C. Sons of the American Revolution, visit