Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Save the date, 9/17 in Houston, TX: Luncheon in River Oaks to honor Constitution Week

From Ultimate Montrose.com: Luncheon in River Oaks to honor Constitution Week
The Daughters of the American Revolution, Houston Area Regents Council, will be holding its annual luncheon on Saturday, Sept. 17, to commemorate the signing of the Constitution of the United States and celebration of Constitution Week.

The luncheon will take place at the Houston Junior League Building, located at 1811 Briar Oaks Lane in Houston.

The Daughters of the American Revolution encourage everyone to organize and support programs that honor the Constitution. The Houston Area Regents Council is made up of the following chapters: Alexander Love, Brazos Valley, Heritage Trails, Sam Houston, San Jacinto, Tejas, John McKnitt Alexander, Jane Long, James Hardage Lane 1, Samuel Sorrell, Captain Gilbreth Falls/Absolom Hooper, Lady Washington and Ann Poage. Other chapters included in the celebrations are George Washington, Elisha Roberts, Fort Bend, Star of Destiny and Alexander Hodge.

The HARC Regents are Dr. Jan Garrison, Barbara Petrov, Pat Spackey, Susan Sheeren, Alice Braud-Jones, Ginny Evan, Mary Rustay, Jean Abernathy, Dianna Rudolph, Mary-Dpdd Dubbert, Susan Devenney, Margaret Mitchell and Virginia Kinzer. Cindy Rucker serves as the Texas DAR Division V chairman.